First Lady

Evangelist Mellinee Collins is one of the immerging prophetic voices of the 21st century and a prolific orator of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. She operates under a powerful evangelistic and teaching anointing. At a young age, Evangelist Collins accepted the call of God on her life to ministry and since that time has proven to be an able pulpiteer. Her compassionate heart coupled with her passion for God allows her to truly minister restoration, healing and deliverance to the lost.

Evangelist Mellinee Collins received her early education in the Public School System in Macon, Georgia. She went on to further her education at the Los Angeles Southwest College in Los Angeles, California and Burnell Women’s College in Lilburn, Georgia. Evangelist Collins holds a Master’s Degree in Religious Studies from Beulah Heights University in Atlanta Georgia.

Evangelist Mellinee Collins has celebrated the joys of marriage and parenthood for almost 50 years with her husband Elder Lander Collins, Pastor of New Vineyard Church of God In Christ, a powerful man of God in his own right. Together they are the proud parents of three children, Lander III, Malanda & Benjamin Sr. and grandparents of six grandchildren, Rachel, Maleeha, Gabrielle, Alana,  Kennedy and Benjamin Jr. (BJ).

While living in Suffolk England, she received her spiritual tutelage under the ministry of the Church Of God and in 1975, Evangelist Mellinee Collins accepted the Lord and was later baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost while visiting Burgesgarden, Germany.

Upon returning to the United States in 1978, Elder and Evangelist Collins moved to Los Angeles, California and planted their membership with the Church of God in Christ and have continued to be faithful members of this grand old Church. Her call and passion for service in the Lord’s Church has allowed Evangelist Collins to serve in various capacities: YPWW President, YWCC Facilitator and Coordinator, President of Children’s Ministry, Home and Foreign Mission Instructor, President of the Elders and Minister’s Wives’, District Workshop Coordinator, Choir Chaplin, Sunday School Teacher, Street Team and Outreach Ministry, President of the Missionary Circle, Marriage Enrichment Instructor, Instructor for South Central Georgia School of Ministry. She says one of her most memorable experiences in ministry was serving as Regional Chairlady for the largest Region in Southern California under the leadership of Bishop Charles Blake and Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis. Evangelist Collins, currently serves on the International Level as President of the WIC Greeters’.

Evangelist Collins has also served as the District Missionary for over 17 years under the Episcopal leadership of the late Bishop Chandler D. Owens and Mother Edith McGrew. She continues to serve under the current leadership of Bishop Norman O. Harper and Mother Gloria Johnson-Rodgers. This charismatic evangelist is known for her message of HOPE, which causes her to bridges across barriers of gender, age, race and denominational lines. Evangelist Collins effectively ministers God’s grace for reconciliation and encouragement for all believers to walk in their purpose and destiny.

The Thesis of her life is:
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20